Code of Ethics

The primary objective of TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l. is the pursuit of its corporate purpose, ensuring maximum health protection and safety to its workers, excellent customer satisfaction and a long-lasting corporate commitment.
This Code of Ethics contains the values and rules of conduct with which all Employees, at any level of the corporate hierarchy, as well as Collaborators, Directors, Consultants, Agents, Customers, Suppliers and Contractors (hereinafter, the “Recipients”) must comply.
It is the duty of all the aforementioned Recipients to know and understand the contents of this Code and, if necessary, to seek any clarification, in order to guarantee the highest level of understanding and compliance.

TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l. considers compliance with laws and regulations in general, and, specifically, those aimed at protecting the health and safety of workers, a core value that informs all corporate activities. All Recipients must conduct their duties in full compliance with this principle.
TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l. will not establish relationships of any kind with individuals who do not intend to comply with this core principle, and in particular, who behave in violation of the laws in force, and in a manner that may engender conflicts of interest of any kind, form and scope for TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l..
Therefore, any behavior that could lead to any violation, and, in particular, those contemplated by Legislative Decree 231/01 as regards the Protection of Workers’ Health is prohibited.

In order to pursue the aforementioned objectives, TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l. defines and makes available procedures, regulations and operational tools in full compliance with the rights and dignity of workers, statutory and regulatory provisions in force and the applicable Labour Collective Agreement. Each Recipient must comply with these requirements according to their role and duties.

TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l. undertakes, and, likewise, requests the Recipients, to comply with this Code and current legislation on the protection of the health and safety of workers.

TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l. undertakes to promote responsible behavior by all members of its Organisation, providing adequate tools for the prevention of accidents at work and the protection of workers’ health.
Every activity of TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l., and, consequently, of every element of its Organisation, must respect and protect the health of workers according to the best practices and regulations in force on the subject.
TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l. in the management of any matter concerning health and safety at work is inspired by the principles and criteria established by Legislative Decree no. 81 of 9 April 2008 (CONSOLIDATED LAW ON HEALTH AND WORKPLACE SAFETY), with particular reference to the “General Protection Measures” established by Art. 15 of said Decree; these principles must constitute the primary point of reference for any activity performed by TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l .

The Supervisory Body plays a fundamental role in supervising the application and correct interpretation of both this Code of Ethics and of the Organisational and Management Model adopted by TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l. in order to pursue the aforementioned objectives.
Any action (including any that may seemingly benefit the Company) which hinders or may hinder the activities of the Supervisory Body will be considered illegal and deemed to have been committed to the detriment of TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l..

The Code of Ethics is brought to the attention of all interested parties, both internal and external, by means of adequate communication.
In order to ensure the correct understanding of the Code of Ethics, TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l. plans and implements, also on the basis of any indications provided by the Supervisory Body, a periodic communication/training plan in order to promote knowledge of the principles and ethical standards enshrined in the Code.

TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l. will set up and make available communication channels through which the Recipients of this Code will be able to send their reports regarding the Code or its possible violations.
All interested parties can report any violation or suspected violation of the Code of Ethics to the Supervisory Body, even in writing and both anonymously or otherwise; the Supervisory Body will act in such a way as to protect whistleblowers against any type of retaliation, which, in and of itself, is an act that could give rise to even the mere suspicion of being a form of discrimination or penalty. The identity of the reporting person will remain confidential.

Failure to comply with the principles set out in the Code of Ethics and the provisions defined in the Organisational and Management Model compromises the relationship of trust between TRESOLDI METALLI S.r.l. and its Directors, Employees, Consultants, Collaborators in any capacity, Customers and Suppliers.
Any violation will be promptly and firmly prosecuted through disciplinary measures provided for in the Organisational and Management Model, as warranted by circumstances, and, in any case, in line with company rules, the laws in force and the applicable National Labour Collective Agreement, regardless of the possible criminal nature of the violations, which may be further addressed in criminal proceedings, if any.